Eternal new set up question :
# social
2 big screens 27inch 4 k or one big curved 40 something screen Opinions and recommendations welcome
Opinion: I am so used to "throwing" windows around the screens, and having specific uses for each screen in my own mind that I can never use the big curved screens. Tried it once and had to get rid of it ๐Ÿ˜…
Iโ€™m leaning 2 screens but I have a couple of friends who have a love the big curve
I prefer separate screens
Two screens via a docking station connected to my laptop for me. I like to have my code, email, and Teams on my primary monitor, and I use Monitor 2 for browser testing, YouTube, and documentation. Monitor 2 is at an angle which I'd lose if I had a curved monitor.
one screen and fancy zones - from Microsoft powertoys, then you can 'define' where the windows doc, and even change them up for certain tasks.
^ same as Kevin but I forget I have fancy zones so right now I just have windows on top of windows but enough screen I can find everything ๐Ÿ˜„
Itโ€™s all very even
Simple solution, buy 2 curved screens๐Ÿ˜‚
I do love fancyzones, but it is one more thing I need to remember and.. it just doesn't "feel" quite right. Definitely in the 2 monitor camp here as well. Additionally, My laptop monitor these days is exclusively used to display taskmanager to figure out what is "making it slow" THIS time ๐Ÿ˜ 
I have 2 screens plus my laptop and I would hate to lose my portrait monitor. Keeping Chrome devtools docked at the bottom of the window feels really good to me. You have to get at least 1440px height so that sites display the desktop breakpoint at 100%, otherwise you have to zoom out which is a pain.
^ this is why my browser is never full screen ๐Ÿ˜„ (99% of sites have the same issue)
This would absolutely be my argument / question here as well: okay, so you want us to limit the width of the backoffice, but to how wide, and why that arbitrary number? What if I love that it's so wide? Suddenly you're limiting me in how I am used to working. I mean I just tried to open gmail over 2 screens in width and it is a MESS. This person must have a terrible experience with most websites every day, right?!
Unless they browser zoom everything
Well that is the wonderful world of ux and what is ux for different people
Iโ€™m leaning 2 screens for now but Iโ€™ll let you all know it may be down to cost etc