So, I'd actually forgotten about this one but Kenn...
# social
So, I'd actually forgotten about this one but Kenn reminded me. 💡 Actually I just mapped my Streamdeck buttons to WIN+number buttons to switch to windows and have icons for them!
The replies went through all the screenshot tools by the way.. Greenshot, ShareX, Faststone Capture.. None of them quite ideal. The search continues 😛
How is ShareX not ideal? I love that (multi)tool 😄
I have a very very specific setup with FC at the moment, where I capture, it puts the image on the clipboard and stores it in a folder at the same time. And as much as I tried with ShareX, it just didn't "feel" as good as FC. 😅
That should be doable with ShareX. As default Sharex would place your captures in year-month folders ( But I know the feeling - If if doesn't feels right or does it exactly as you want it then go back to what you love 😅 I didn't know FastStone - The amount of annotations looks quite nice! In that part ShareX lacks a bit
Haha yep.. it's the same problem with git clients, it just doesn't feel right unless it's Git Extensions for me. 😅 To be fair, the only annotations I use are arrows, really.. so that is covered. I'll give ShareX another spin, love that it's open source and dotnet based!
And don't forget the ShareX package for Umbraco, if you want to share your captures 😆
Haha I haven't found a need for it yet. Okay, I've got it configured exactly how I want it now and my last remaining problem was the toast (the preview of the image after it's been captured that appears for 3 seconds). Maybe I will stick with it this time.. 😁
You can adjust the time here: 😄
I just turned it off completely 😁