Has anyone got anything they want to demo, talk ab...
# social
Has anyone got anything they want to demo, talk about or MOB program on tomorrows UmbraCollab?
Let me know in the thread thanks πŸ™‚
@CodeSharePaul you got anything your excited about at the moment ?
Other regulars @Matt Wise @Dean Leigh @CarlCod_es @Jason got anything you might be interested in... Otherwise we may end up skipping - as no Seb tomorrow (Holiday) who helps to get people organised
ooh - hello πŸ™‚ I've been very quiet because discord is a little too distracting. I mean I can do a quick one hour runthrough of Umbraco and Docker if you like if you don't find anyone else to talk about stuff?
It's not really a collab, it's just ... umbraco and docker - got nothing else prepared
@Jason you folks got hosting on Azure working with docker for Callum's various azure talks didn't you? Maybe we could shoe-horn them together?
Well I am intrigued for sure πŸ™‚
Did you see my post in the other channel where you can set up Docker on Azure with a few clicks from within visual Studio?
I don't normally keep discord open as I tend to get super distracted with it (sorry dean) but I would like to play with it more πŸ™‚ I'll take a look when I get a sec later
I only noticed this because discord is signed in on my phone and it pinged
No worries @CarlCodes I know the feeling
Well, I did do the CI bits to get the app into Azure Container Registry but I'm afraid I remember very little else as I did it in a rush.
the other thing we could try (for a bit of fun) - I wanted to see if I can build the world's smallest Umbraco server on the pi-zero 2 w that you bought me warren πŸ™‚ Again - not so much useful for a collab
I'm afraid that everything else I'm looking at at the moment is either Top Secret or promised to an upcoming meetup first.
I wanted to spend more time looking at the new back-office proofs of concept and RFCs - we could do something with that? maybe if there's a github project get it up and running and try and make a tweak to one of them?
it's not something I've done at all so I'm totally new to it, but would be an excuse to dive in if you're free to help out @Warren Buckley ?
Yeh I haven't actively looked at the latest on the project so perhaps we could try the new UI work they are doing
That could be fun - I don't mind spending an hour doing that?
Yep - we can actively learn together & poke around at it
ooh - nice!
I'll chat to front end gang to see if there is something we can perhaps work on as a tiny PR
That's a fab idea.
sounds great
Love me a bit of that modern JS!
I need to get more practised at that modern JS so it's a good excuse to dig in πŸ™‚
OK will see if I can convince someone from frontend team to swing by as we poke around and explore whats there so far
I would definitely be interested
import { Wisdom } from 'crowd'
Can't wait to catch this on YouTube when am back from holiday :)
Gary Henshall got in touch with me today asking for help in picking up when a member is changed and detecting the state of the isApproved property before and after to be able to react to it. So if there’s time we could look at that @Warren Buckley
He says: > I’ve hooked into the event and got it working but can’t validate the previous values to pick up on the change.
Thanks @CodeSharePaul if the poke around new backoffice fails then let’s consider that πŸ™‚
Yep no probs mate