Haaaaaave you met Javed? 👋 If not - now is the ti...
# social
Haaaaaave you met Javed? 👋 If not - now is the time! I had the pleasure of catching up with @javz3 and I personally can't wait to see more of what he gets up to 😁 If you’re too shy to ask about his journey so far (or why he was eating everyone’s food at Codegarden) then check out his feature on uProfile: https://umbraco.com/blog/uprofile-june-2022-javed-iqbal/
And pleeeease, can someone compliment his Pikachu t-shirt? 🤣😎
Ace to hear you will be getting more involved and less of a lurker @javz3 Especially since you have been since the v4 days !! 💪