I have an idea for an UmbraCollab at some point. W...
# social
I have an idea for an UmbraCollab at some point. Work out exactly what it is about my face in particular that our.umbraco.com finds so objectionable as to never show it in the contributions section.
I actually know the answer to that! And not just because my face is in the same situation 😂
The Contributions API from github only returns the top... 100?, and I think the Our.Umbraco code even only paginates the first page of that. So unless you decide to massively contribute within a specific timespan, the API won't return you sadly
so unless you qualify recently and you contribute heavily enough you may not necessarily see your lovely avatar.. and the pagination "helps" that further by just show the top x of that 100
Ah, interesting. So that's top 100 of all time, even if recent contributions are lower? Would make sense as to why contributors still show up with a "1".
(because all-time it isn't 1)
Fairly certain that's why, yes!
Interesting, I wonder if it would be straightforward to swap it out for the commits API.
Get all commits for last 12 months, using list of unique contributors from that then fetch the contribution stats for each one.
Commits could be gamed couldn't it? I could push one PR with 50 commits...
True, but that's how github measures it anyway.
To be fair, if you're taking any satisfaction from gaming a leaderboard for CMS contributions, you probably need to find a better hobby.