That's where I'm at now - settings on the block, a...
# social
That's where I'm at now - settings on the block, and I'll use the first one in the set. Means I can set different images on different blocks, then randomise the display order for a bit of bonus dynamicsm
I would personally nest a block in a block. That way you can have setting for the entire list as well as settings on the items
Oh, that would be slick. Makes the whole component/list/module nicely contained, and could do a custom view on the outer block to display the inner list contents... I like it!
This is the kind of thing we are doing:
This looks way too complicated to edit for any customer I have ever worked with 😱
Oh that's a shame. Our non-technical clients love it and got to grips with it in with less than an hour's training.
1. Pick a layout 2. Pick an area 3. Pick a content feature
It's really very intuitive and forgiving.
It might have been primaly my project managers who wanted the sites as simple as possible
But I like it.. is all of it basic umbraco or is a lot of it custom made?
That's awesome, but I agree with Frank - it's beyond the capability of my editors. They currently have grid layouts with 1,2,3 columns, and most struggle with that...
Because we have so many cooks in the kitchen, we need to keep it as simple possible
I think the images look way more complex than it is to edit. Happy to meet you both in chat and demo