Faceted search in Umbraco 9? Has anyone seen any p...
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Faceted search in Umbraco 9? Has anyone seen any packages or good blog posts about it?
Callum did a package for that in v8 - not sure if that has been ported to v9 yet
Thanks! Just checked and it doesn't look like it has been ported to v9 yet. But I guess the basic concepts would be the same in v9 🤷🏻‍♂️
Don't remember if his Codegarden talk touches on faceted search, but his DK festival talk did. IIRC it was recorded. But until then, try watching the codegarden talk.
Could you post help questions in the help channels next time please 🙏 😁 Maybe check if Callum would like some contributions or if he's working on it https://github.com/callumbwhyte/examine-facets