Hi guys, I have a problem with usync plugin import...
# package-development
Hi guys, I have a problem with usync plugin import function. Can someone explain what the problem is?
Prorbily the wrong/old version check you have the right one for the version of umbraco you have.
Umbraco version 9.4.3 and usync version is v9.4.0
locally it works but on azure it fails
i think it could be old files in app_plugins folder ? (e.g older version files not being cleaned out)
Usync files?
I will clean and reinstall
app_plugins/uSync folder
actual uSync files should be fine
ok will check
you shouldn't have to - but maybe bumping the smidge cache if its still causing issues https://our.umbraco.com/Documentation/Reference/Configuration/RuntimeMinificationSettings/
You know, I have media files more than 2000 items, it's about 7201 and still have same issue during the report as well
i checked it when media files were near 2000 and it worked
umbraco-backoffice-js.js.ve7a40ef3acd6ef034c16f9aa1b9230b2bce86af3:138 POST https://acc-umbraco-xxx.azurewebsites.net/umbraco/backoffice/usync/usyncdashboardapi/ReportHandler 500
Anything in the logs (settings -> log viewer?)
ah yes, Let me share
yeah that looks a lot like your minified JS files are messed up somehow, i would look at the Umbraco Runtime minification stuff from above and maybe increment the version number so smidge can try and generate new files.
ok thank you
hi @Kevin Jump , I'm having error during content export here is the error
do you know how to fix it?
What version are you running?
Is there any more detail in the Umbraco Logs ? - do you happen to know which bit of content it fails on (maybe first something else). ?
you can turn on debug logging that might help https://docs.jumoo.co.uk/usync/uSync/guides/debugging
Umbraco version 9.4.3 and usync version is v9.4.0
When it finishes medial export during content export it stops and shows this error. Ok I will turn on debug logging