As I am playing around with TagHelpers for Hacktob...
# hacktoberfest
As I am playing around with TagHelpers for Hacktoberfest. I would any input from you wonderful people in the community to collab together on what makes sense to ship in the CMS 🙂 Question: Microsoft ships a taghelper for partial rendering
<partial name="MyPartial" />
and in Umbraco we have
Does it make sense to have a new taghelper
<cachedpartial name-"MyPartial" timeout="20" />
as it can be achieved with the built in cache taghelper from Microsoft.
Copy code
<cache expires-after="TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)">
    <p>Current Time Inside Cache Tag Helper: @DateTime.Now</p>
    <partial name="MyPartial"/>
Thoughts ??