Black Friday
# social
Black Friday
So it's that time of year again, has anybody managed to bag some bargains for the time of year where things are supposedly cheaper? Me: I've managed to get 3 adult & 1 kids t-shirts from the McLaren Store for just over £40. Great time to end an F1 season! I'm also holding out for a cheaper price on the OLED model of the Nintendo Switch on the Currys website so I can spend £180 I have stored up in gift cards haha. My wife got a new phone contract on a Samsung Galaxy S22 for £25 per month, £19 upfront. This time of year is so expensive 😅
It's been really great! Unsubscribed from 14 mailing lists so far! 👍 😂
I did buy a pair of trousers for 15% off but I overspent this month so can't afford to buy more, even on good discounts. 😅
Ah I kinda bought this...
@nathanwoulfe Dare I ask, how many guitars you own now?
I suspect the right number of guitars is the same as the right number of bikes - n+1
(where n is how many you own now)
Weird, I think it's the same for ukuleles as well 😉
This will be number 7, but they're all different and have different sounds and features and I can absolutely justify buying more but will at some point need a larger house in which to store them.