Naming things is hard. In Contentment Data List e...
# package-development
Naming things is hard. In Contentment Data List editor, there's a User-defined data-source that uses an internal editor to define the items of the data-source. I've been working on a new data-source that can take values from existing properties, and it'd make sense to re-use that internal editor and make it to be a "proper" property-editor... (I've done all that bit), problem is, what to name it? I'm currently at "Data List Item editor" - which sounds rubbish, AND I worry that it'll be too confusing with regular Data List editor. ...and I'm not looking to give it a snazzy name, more about that it does what it says on the tin. 🤔
I guess it's whether it's distinct enough beyond the data list editor?
ie, would someone use this standalone?
Element Editor? 🤷‍♂️
Currently the UI is fixed for name/value/icon/description (because that's what Data List can use). I wasn't planning on making it super flexible.
I mean, if it's only meant to be used by the data list editor, then I don't think data list item editor is that bad
in Vendr we have a store picker, and also a store entity picker which picks things within a store 😄
when you think about it, it's self explanitory
My niggle is that it'd be listed next to regular Data List editor. Guess I'm wanting to avoid confusion. Wondering about dropping the "Data" bit and have "List Item editor" 🤔 (I'm probably overthinking it, but guess I'm also trying to avoid future potential support faux pas 🫢 )
Inline list items