Hi all, I'm setting up my new work machine. Please...
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Hi all, I'm setting up my new work machine. Please hit me with your must have programs / extensions in a thread
You know where to find my tips.. 😉
Already on your tips page mate
See if you can script it all with winget ??
I've been using chocolatey for most of it.
Oh.. winget is a lot better, it will take care of a lot of auto-updates too 🙈
Just start over, how hard can it be? 😂
-Oh-my-posh & Powerlevel10k to powerup my Powershell Terminal -Gitkraken, VSCode & Jetbrains Rider for all my Development work. -ToDoist, Notion & Toggle Track for everything productivity related. -Everything.exe, PowerToys & DevToys for general usefull-ness!
Oh and one more useful thing I can't live without; I have the "left hand-side"-'button' of my logitech mouse bound to a custom AutoHotKey script that hotswaps between two virtual desktops instantly. Using one virtual desktop for my IDE's and Git, and the other for things like Slack, browsers etc.
nvm for windows is definitely a must-have if you work with many different projects with different versions of node.
I've found 'Patch My PC' to be quite a useful tool to keep software on my PC up to date on a regular basis. Also allows for you to install new software by simply ticking a tickbox. Runs every day at 11am on all my machines and ensures I'm not behind with current versions: https://patchmypc.com/home-updater
GitKraken, Terminal (Microsoft Store), Powershell 7, ReSharper, Office, Remote Desktop (Microsoft Store), Postman, SQL Server Manager, Azure Storage Explorer, ExplorerPatcher (if on Win 11 https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher)
Filezilla, Makalu and Notepad++
Can't think of anything else 😂
Also running this in Terminal removes a lot of bloat from Win11
winget uninstall "windows web experience pack"
Thanks all. What about VS Code Extensions?
Don't forget to instal Node Version Manager (NVM) before you install Node
ShareX for screenshots/recordings
Xenu link sleuth, a broken link checker - I mostly use it to check if I borked some obscure part of a site after eg upgrading
How about extensions for VSCode / VS etc? I'll start with Tailwind CSS Intellisense, Headwind and GitHub Copilot for VSCode
Though trivial, I quite love the visual studio "Insert Guid" extension. Does exactly what it says. It adds a shortcut to insert a random guid at your caret
Visual Studio Plugin Servers ISS Express by our very own @Warren Buckley can be very useful Also Live Server
Visual Studio Plugin from Microsoft C# for Visual Studio Code Microsoft Edge Tools for Visual Studio Code
That's already built into VS, you can just type nguid and then [TAB] to do that 💡
Ah wait, that is a Resharper feature, not a VS feature, ignore me haha
VS Code Prettier Live Share Rainbow CSV Stack Trace Formatter vscode-pets
This thread is good, thanks everyone. Keep them coming. Added NVM yesterday
Main thing is you have a vscode pet tbh 🙂
Not sure what it is yet. Might check it out later