Migration u10 Examine Manage
# help-with-umbraco
Hey people, i was wondering if you can help me with an issues regarding the examine manager. On the old project built on umbraco 8, search page has an examine manager. I tried to implement the same function on the new project built on umbraco 10, but the ExamineManager.TryGetSearcher returns false and searcher is null. Do you have any idea why? Should i register somewhere manually this index? Or it s built by default. Thanks https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1201804230373933097/1201804230789173258/image.png?ex=65cb2669&is=65b8b169&hm=49cf43d3857ed71823a364c193c63ac117d95fabdd53258431a023cb7eca4619& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1201804230373933097/1201804231078838272/image.png?ex=65cb2669&is=65b8b169&hm=7b4dd7b09120d9dde6ceaad4e533fabd22c3aeae6740118a124c57f574620f04&
You can get the searcher directly from the index, you can see how to get the index and perform a search here: https://docs.umbraco.com/umbraco-cms/reference/searching/examine/quick-start