Umbraco Forms conditional logic not working after ...
# help-with-umbraco
Previous site was on 10.1.0 with Umbraco Forms: 10.0.5 - upgraded to Umbraco version 10.8.3 and Umbraco Forms: 10.5.3 and now conditional logic no longer works. Anyone else had this and how best to fix? Moving to v13 in the coming months but not at the moment.
Hi! I've had this exact same problem. You should download a new version of the razor templates from the docs, because the templates have changed and that causes the conditional logic to stop working
@User Thanks, i'll have a look and search them out. Will update thread once i've tried it :)
@D_Inventor I don't suppose you have a link to those templates at all? I've searched but just can't find any at all?
Lemme check
Here is a list of default themes for the latest versions of Umbraco forms
Brill thanks
@D_Inventor That fixed things nicely - why they can't just include these files in the deployment is beyond me!