Can't get Cloud Deploy to update document types.
# help-with-umbraco
I am trying to deploy a bunch of document type changes up Ubraco cloud but no matter what I do it keeps failing to import the UDA files. Every single time it is a different error ranging form element contains no squeance, to complaining about duplicates, and now can't find children. I have deleted the entire contents of the "deploy" folder and checked that into git, then tried to run the "update schema" only for non of the document types go go away, not even bad ones that don't exist on my local dev where I am deploying from. I then tried to generate schema on my local dev and checking that in but that just results in more random errors. What do I have to do to get deploy to work and mirror my local dev document types?
Are you getting collision errors. If so I have had a similar thing happen to me before and found this article helpful in resolving the issues I had.
No, no collesion errors. The errors are either "name already exists" duplicate errors, sequance contains no data errors, or can't find child of id XXX errors. Is there jus some way to like compelately blow away cloud and replace it with my local to just bypass this stupididy?
Disclaimer -> I am new to cloud myself and the following is some advice I have found searching the docs. Before taking this drastic action I would reach out to Umbraco support. You can delete an entire umbraco cloud project. You can do this from the settings menu in the portal. It will remove all you data media, databases, configuration setup and domain bindings. In addtion it will cancel the subscription. Then you can start again and create a new cloud project with subscription.
Note: if it were me I would try resolve and find out why before taking this course of action first.
I have reached out to support but it will be a few days before they respond and even then they are probably going to have to go back and forth with level 2 takeing days. As for deleting the entire project I dont want to as i will be charged for the entire month for this project and the new one I spin up, plus I would have to figure out how to migrate and the data into the new git repository.
So I found out that if I manually delete every document type, media type, data type and content node that did not come stock I can stop the errors. This just leaves me having to rebuild everyrthing by hand and trying to figure out how to import some data without losing the creation dates for those nodes.
It's why I don't/won't use Cloud. It defeats the very object it was designed for, i.e. saving time dealing with infrastructure. I've wasted weeks on this stuff in the past.
In my case this had nothing to do with infrastructure but an incompatibility with a package I was using. I am curuise to who you use as host or do you self host?
I did find that the HotChilli.Umbraco.PageNotFound package wasn't Cloud compatible the hard way. Don't know if that's been fixed. As for hosting, I use UmbHost with GitHub Actions where I can. Or for small brochure sites, WebWiz. Both are green hosters.