RTE block rendering (U13)
# help-with-umbraco
I have an RTE property that render blocks. If I put it on a standard document type it will render all content. But if I put the same property on a block (element type) - then the "inside" block content will not render, only an empty element. Other content before and after the block is rendered as expected. Is this a known limitation of RTE block rendering or am I doing something wrong here? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204727655908384778/1204727656093065226/image.png?ex=65d5c90f&is=65c3540f&hm=0fd5185fb1bb7ab2b3bbe73a6b062baa6ce6f8fb2d79db3dc3c6a2d4ff6c7ae7&
It's a bug - I had a PR merged, don't know which version will have it though. https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/pull/15583
Thank you so much! Spent way too much time on this 😦
13.2 it is 🙂