@here Question/request to all package authors that...
# package-development
@here Question/request to all package authors that use the Umbraco permission system : can you share the permission letters used in your package here (in a reply/thread)? More information and a script to easily get these can be found on the Deploy issue tracker: https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco.Deploy.Issues/issues/95#issuecomment-1007431739. We'll create a Umbraco Docs issue to ensure we have an overview in the documentation and where you can post them to be included there too (link will follow). Thanks!
This is the Docs PR where you can add your own letters as comment (if you want it to be included in the official Umbraco docs): https://github.com/umbraco/UmbracoDocs/pull/3710
Yeah, most of them are outdated, which is why the Docs PR will update this exact section with the new/correct ones 😄