[Solved] Problems putting V13.1.0 live
# help-with-umbraco
Site was imported from V11 to new V13.1.0 dev installation and proved to run fine locally on a Linux dev machine. It was then published to a local folder and FTP'd up to the Windows server on a clean directory and a clean DB. Umbraco installed and uSync full import happened fine. However there are 2 problems I can't seem to fix:- 1) Every page shows the default "Page not found" page, not even the set 404 page. Logs show it can't find a physical template for the page, although they are there in the Views folder, set as default templates in the DocTypes and the DocTypes and Templates are set correctly on the content info pages. 2) Umbraco Forms V13.0.1 doesn't find it's licence, which is there at /umbraco/Licences/umbracoForms.lic. Asks to buy a licence. I've tried resetting the permissions, clearing cookies, restarting apps and app pools, but nothing changes. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Second one (licence) is probibly casing of the Licences folder, it use to be a capital L not sure if its changed. might be fixed changing it to lowercase "licences"
(also maybe that with the views folder... worth a try i suppose?)
Also getting "An exception was thrown while deserializing the token. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.AntiforgeryValidationException: The antiforgery token could not be decrypted." on an stdout log
yeah not sure about that 😦
It's on a Windows server so didn't think it'd matter as it's running fine on a Linux desktop.
ah , yeah not that then, sorry read it the wrong way around
I suspect its because of the UF licence not being fournd.
I tell a lie, UF is asking for a licence locally on my Linux dev destop as well! Changing Licenses to licenses doesn't fix it 😦
However, reuploading the .lic file from the original back up has fixed the forms issue! Still left with "Page not found" though 😦
Sounds a lot like permissions issues. Can it write to the /umbraco/data folder - stop the site, clean out the data folder and restart. Does it write nucache and examine files?
Thanks, tried that, no change 😦
Also rebuilt Examine indexes
The only error I'm getting in the back office is one I don't really understand... > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.AntiforgeryValidationException: The antiforgery token could not be decrypted. > ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The key {3e079f92-5a5d-4054-9432-95cb5cc5cb11} was not found in the key ring. For more information go to https://aka.ms/aspnet/dataprotectionwarning
Is it to do with Umbraco or the shared hosting env?
Had the same issue with the templates not found. Realized it was because I had this in csproj:
Copy code
    <!-- Remove RazorCompileOnBuild and RazorCompileOnPublish when not using ModelsMode InMemoryAuto -->
And it worked fine locally, but when going live it failed - unsure if it was because of the ModelsbuilderMode: None or maybe the new RuntimeMode: Production setting, but deleting the above lines fixed it for me.
It feels like this is related to Data Protection Keys in some way - they are the replacement for the old Machine Keys. (or permissions) I've only had to delve into Data Protection keys for Load Balanced setups. Is the project set up to be load balanced in any way? The Umbraco docs for LB setup talk about these keys, which maybe of some use: https://docs.umbraco.com/umbraco-cms/fundamentals/setup/server-setup/load-balancing#data-protection
... also, have a look to see if there are any uses of
in the code. Usually in Program.cs, Startup.cs or a Composer. If so, that might help to pin point. Also - there is every chance I could be barking up the wrong tree here 😅
I think you're right. It's happened to me before but I have a memory like a sieve. Just going to check now.
@Jemayn That was it! Thanks for jogging my memory 🙂
Thanks, but it was something simpler, thank goodness 😉
Great news @Craig100! 🙂