upgrading umbraco from 8 to latest
# help-with-umbraco
Hi umbracians! Been a while for me. The business have finally decided to do a full rework of a big website that we have on U8. I was wondering whether there are any known issues when upgrading an existing website in 8 up to the latest version. Of course I would follow the update guidelines on umbracos website and I am fully aware of the shift from c# to dotnet core. I have previously upgraded a website from 8 to 9 successfully. My concern mostly lies around whether or not there are any database related changes that may affect the content etc. Has anyone tried to do anything similar?
> My concern mostly lies around whether or not there are any database related changes that may affect the content etc. Any db changes will be model changes, nothing should touch your saved data (make backups, of course).
Thats fantastic. A very helpful article there too! Appreciated Sebastiaan!
I am migrating my umbraco form 8 to 10 and looking at this guide, I need to set StoreUmbracoFormsInDb to True and after that should be able to have value "1d084819-84ba-4ac7-b152-2c3d167d22bc" in "umbracoKeyValue" table but in reality I don't see any "1d084819-84ba-4ac7-b152-2c3d167d22bc" . Why is that @Sebastiaan ? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1201864111877795907/1254793262141542410/image.png?ex=667ac8ca&is=6679774a&hm=3039d775e8631b4caa81a1c266afacd037052484a2b01f9ee3823912a43f6ede&
Hi @Dave Pearcey we are currently migrating all of our Umbraco 8 applications to Umbraco 13. If you need any help or advice contact me! Also I'm writing a blog post to give some advice about upgrading.
We went with another course of action in the end, but I would love to give the post a read when you're done!
@Johan R. very interested about that blog post. hope it will finished soon.