Is SQLite supported in Azure WebApps for Umbraco 1...
# help-with-umbraco
I'm trying to start up a server in Azure's linux WebApps with a filesystem SQLite db. I know it's not recommended, but is this supported & possible at all? I only need the sites to exist for a few minutes before it's deleted, so the data loss from long-running sqlite dbs isn't a concern for my use-case
Hey @Liam, yeah should be possible, I use SQLite for the DB in a few non-critical sites as an Azure App Service. I've not done it with Linux, only Windows. You might be best configuring the site to run an unattended install. That should set the DB up for you with the configured creds. See: Let me know if you need any support getting it up and running.
Out of curiousity, what's the use-case for few-minute sites? Automated testing?
I'm trying to do some Static Site Generation stuff. The Umbraco site only needs to be available during the front-end build, and when content editors are working, but then isn't required the rest of the time. Automated testing would be another use-case too I suppose
I'm doing similar @Liam. What SSG solution are you working with?
I'm using NextJS v14 as the front-end, and the Umb Content Delivery API as the backoffice
Nice... I'm currently migrating from Gatsby to Astro. Be sure to reach out on a DM if you want to bat some ideas around. SSGs are great, but I've definitely found a few hurdles to navigate.
This server started working, but I didn't change anything significant in the Web App.
Hey @Liam Is that for this thread? It might just be my Monday morning brain 😅
yeah, just confirming that I managed to get an Azure/Linux/SQLite server up and running. Unfortunately I can't explain what I did wrong originally, or how I fixed it 🤦‍♀️
Ah nice one. Yeah, I hate it when that happens. at least it's working though. I've found it useful to Tear Down the Azure setup and and go through the process of setting it up a few times to iron out any issues. If you have time, it's definitely valuable to look at Azure ARM templates to automate that.
I just recently got UmBootstrap to v13 and have been thinking about static site generation but deploying to an Azure Static Web App. So do all my editing locally and only deploy static files.
that's very close to my solution @Dean Leigh . The generated front-end is hosted in the new Azure Static Web Apps. I'll maybe write up how I've done it once I get it fully deployed
Ooh yes please
I have some experience with Vue so was thinking of going down that route (excuse the pun) but the last month I've been looking at HTMX, I think @Owain has too. Looks like a good fit.
Sounds great @Dean Leigh! I'm using a Astro at the moment, and I've integrated into Gatsby previously. It would be good to keep discussion going around this so we can share any gotchas.
Not that I'm aware of 😄 But it sounds interesting 😄
Haha I am getting old - I am sure I saw someone was going to do a talk about HTMX at an Umbraco meetup and thought it was you