Examine index issue with 10000+ items
# help-with-umbraco
We have 30000+ items in our application (multilanguage). We use examine search on a document type ("contact" not varied by culture) to get results from external index. Editors are actively creating content in the backoffice but not in the "Contact" items. The nodes goes missing in the index. When index documentCount is 30000+, the search works fine and some times documentCount goes down to 2000+ and the search returns empty results. Umbraco version 12.3.6 Index FieldCount is 200 Deleting and rebuilding the index works. But this is not a permanent solution. appsetting: "Indexing": { "ExplicitlyIndexEachNestedProperty": false } "NuCache": { "UsePagedSqlQuery": false } Please shed lights on to fix the issue.