V10: Content version cleanup disabled in backoffic...
# help-with-umbraco
In our production environment I've just enabled content version cleanup in appSettings.json. In the backoffice, content version cleanup is still marked as globally disabled, though. Is there somewhere in the config files or the database that content version cleanup might still be disabled? Or can anything else be preventing content version cleanup from running? Info: Umbraco is running in a load-balanced environment. The config change has been made on all servers, both backoffice and front-end (although I'm assuming that only the backoffice one is vital for this) Umbraco was upgraded to 10.8.3 in the same deploy as the config change The website was originally running on V8 and was upgraded to V10. That's why clean-up wasn't enabled until now. The upgrade from 8 to 10 happened several months ago, though. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1203955052343992350/1203955052499312660/image.png?ex=65d2f984&is=65c08484&hm=1568777a8c6fcde6d971a84f42eda7f4a0b4a54d0fbd734490a8a68feed481e5& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1203955052343992350/1203955052725665864/image.png?ex=65d2f984&is=65c08484&hm=3c293cbbd3b2f1f28bbe3f7cc96cc55f120935653def64fe521c70e16a986f17&
Hi there! In addition to appsettings.json, have you also verified that the setting is enabled in the environment specific appsettings? That is: appsettings.production.json or appsettings.development.json, depending on your environment.
@D_Inventor Yeah, it shouldn't be necessary when it's specified in the general appSettings.json-file, should it? But just to rule it out, I copied the Content Version Cleanup setting to the appSettings.production.json file as well...it made no difference... 😐
That's right, but it wouldn't be the first time that somebody enables a setting in the appsettings.json file, but unintentionally disables it again in the environment specific configuration. So it was more of a sanity-check
Yeah, good point. 👍
I do remember that there was something special about upgraded websites that they retain legacy settings for backwards compatibility and to prevent unnecessary surprises. The documentation doesn't mention anything about this though: https://docs.umbraco.com/umbraco-cms/v/10.latest-lts/fundamentals/data/content-version-cleanup
Is this specifically on deployed environments or also on your local development environment?
You can check where the value is coming from, might help: https://marketplace.umbraco.com/package/cultiv.environmentinspect
Thank you, @Sebastiaan! It turns out there was a configuration in the Azure App Service which overruled my "true" in the appSetting.json file with a "false". Your tool made that so easy to see! 😄
Ah that's really good to hear! I stole (borrowed!) the code from Bjarke as soon as I realized it would help me so much to understand where my variables were coming from. Glad it helped you too!