Umbraco CMS and React
# help-with-umbraco
Hi, Im investigating the options using a frontend framework like React with a classic Umbraco 13 CMS setup. Anyone that has any blogs or similar to share how to set it up and what are the pitfalls?
When you say "classic" Umbraco setup are you thinking MVC with Razor rendering React? If you're on v13 I'd suggest thinking about using the Content Delivery API and using Umbraco headless!
I wrote a blog talking about creating a TypeScript OpenAPI client to connect to the Content Delivery API
I second that, Content Delivery API is a great way to bring the CMS content into a React app. Thanks for that link @rickbutterfield, that will be super useful for some work I'm doing at the moment. @Peter R see where you get to exploring the Content Delivery API. The nature of splitting the CMS from the presentation headlessly will come with some caveats, which can often be unique to what you are trying to achieve - that said, I'm working with React in a Static Site context, which can be a different ball game. Happy to be of assistance if you have any specific challenges.
If you are going for a a vanilla site, i think there is no real restriction to how you can setup for developemt.. Custom apis and content delivery apis are i think your option , in a sort of headless way the real key is identification of the right content and surfacing it ..