Umbraco 10.8.3 blockgrid showing wrong layout on c...
# help-with-umbraco
Can someone enlighten me about the BlockGrid? I have set it up with a layout to have two areas 8 and 4 span but when I go to the page edit and want to insert the grid the columns are 12-span wide, not 8 and 4. Am I doing something wrong? I did that two days ago, inserted my content blocks and seemed to work well, eg. had two areas side by side to fill on content edit. Today I deleted Layout.OneColumn (which only had one area of 12 span) because it was redundant. And then the Layout.TwoColumn now appears single column on the content edit page - as per the attached image. The blocks are the scaling pointer but I am not able to rescale them whatsoever. So I brought back the Layout.OneColumn layout (via uSync) but it didn't fix the issue. Something similar hapened to me before, eg. I changed one block layout in the blockgrid and another layout got affected. I am not sure I am getting mad or doing something wrong here?
is it rendering properly in the front end.. i.e. its only in the back office that its showing as odd.. my temptation is to delete all the layouts and start from scratch ..and use a "different name set so that you can ensure its not using the wrong stuff
The stuff that was populated before I change the grid blocks, is displaying correctly in the front end. But if I create a new content and populate it - it shows it all in one span (eg. 12 span) despite the content edit page shows it is 8x1 span on the grid. Also as you can see it displays wrongly in he backoffice - and does it for previously populated+saved content as well as for the newly created one. That's what I did before - I deleted and populated the content again when I encountered this issue before since I am for now working locally and developing the doc type. But cannot do it really in the long term. Suppose we publish the doc type and I need to tweak the grid later when we already have production content and suddenly everything goes wrong and the public content get affected - what then?
tbh i was trying to get you back to a baseline set.. that may be a bad database reference for the node and content.. again my intention hope was it to get reset so you had a clean baseline.. what happens if you create a new Node with those templates.. does it show correctly as you expect?intend
The same happens. The grid is incorrect on content edit.