Nested Content Template Alias issues in Umbraco 13
# help-with-umbraco
I have a site upgraded from v8 to v13 that uses Nested Content. For some of the Element type we use {{propertyAlias}} and this works fine. However, for some we use an another alias, in this case {{wFtPropTitle}} is the title of a feature using the RTE. So instead oof returning 'Hello World' it returns
Copy code
{"markup":"<p>Hello World</p>","blocks":{"layout":null,"contentData":[],"settingsData":[I]]
Must be because of the new blocks in rte feature, it changed the format of the value.
Would you say that is worth reporting as a bug? I am not sure if will be wasting anyone's time as Nested is going away. We tried to convert it with Usync to Block List but it is breaking because it is 3 languages.
definitely, the label templates is still very much used for blocks and list views
OK thank you, I am never sure. I'll create an issue.
Thanks Seb - I submitted it as an issue as I can see it catching out a lot of Nested Content upgrades
In the end I went with
{{wFtPropTitle.markup  | ncRichText }}
To remove both the markup and the tag