# help-with-umbraco
Hi there. I just upgraded a project from 11.5.0 to 12.3.7 and Umbraco forms to 12.2.2 and I get an exception for missing static assets folder. When I check the folder location it actually exists. Any idea what might be the problem here? I have cleared the solution and deleted the bin & obj folders with no success. Even removed the UseStaticWebAssets() call in Program.cs Also tried to remove Umbraco.Forms completely, but then I got the same error for Umbraco.Cms.
Hi there! Are you running the application in IIS? You should make sure that the user through which your site runs, has read permission to the .nuget folder here.
Hi. Yes it is. Is it new for Umbraco 12/13? The site is running fine in 11.5.0. Shouldn't the permissions be the same?
But thanks for the input, I will have a check!
Checked it without success 😦 Hopefully I added access to correct user.