uSync Complete Member group sync
# help-with-umbraco
I can't seem to figure out how to get member groups synced via uSync Complete. I can see in the backoffice that it includes people edition, I've added the appsetting to enable it:
Copy code
  "uSync": {
    "People": {
      "EnabledDefault": true
And there are no handlers named anything with members in the disallowed section. Yet I cannot see any membergroups when I do a clean export - even though one exists in the backoffice. Has anyone set this up before? Am I missing something?
Hi, You can't push users and members between sites in the same way you can content, but you can export and then import them via the exporter dashboard. We did release a small update yesterday, that means on v13 you now get to see and pick user groups (because they where missing from exporter). Is not as direct for a couple of reasons but mainly because of UI if we're honest 🙂
Yeah - member groups come out based on the members you pick . but if you want user groups you will need to update to the last release because we only just added the button
That worked perfectly, thanks for the help Kevin 🙂 Still think I would expect member groups specifically to be part of the usync schema files so new devs would have them available when they start on the project instead of having to include a syncpack in the repo
I will have to have a check see why . (probibly the picker behavies in an odd way and needs some config)
Fair enough, still it works just fine - just have to work my head around it working a bit differently from everything else 😄
yeah well it turns out it does 🤯 all other editor pickers return a selection and an entity, which we then use to do the export, the member group picker returns everything in its own
array which just has Id values in it 😦 so adding it (with extra code both backend and in the angualr) currently makes it look like this
I think this one isn't going to make v13 (to many additional lookup services required just to get the member groups into a sensible format 😦 )
Yea no worries 🙂 Thanks for looking into it, will make do with syncpacks
Oh yeah just remembered - I did add this in the end. v13.1 you can export groups, but you can also push and pull members and groups from the membership section
That's awesome! Will have a look when I get back on that project 🙂